Sunday, November 15, 2009

I'm a slacker

I'm slacker with my blog, but not with going out : ) People barely sleep in this city, and I'm starting to adapt to it. Not sure if it's a good thing, since I love my sleep.

I'm going to wrap up my fun filled week and a half.

Tigre - I visited Tigre with my friend Benjamin. It's about an hour away from the city. I was going with him to check out some boats for his business. We were able to ride 2 boats, fast boats. It was nice to get out of the city for a day. Then, we chilled at a cafe and walked around the area. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't too great.

Running - Went running through the Ecological Reserve by Puerto Madero with Amy. Well, I walked most of the way and chit chatted. We met some new people, some expats and locals. We're always meeting new people, which is great.

Monday night came around and I went out. And ended up staying out until 5 am, very crazy. There were about 8 of us. We had drinks and then dancing! The music is amazing in the clubs, all the Latin music I enjoy.

Tuesday - Grabbed lunch with friends and spent the day with Ernesto, a new friend.

Wednesday - I stayed in most of the day trying to recover from being out so much. Then, went over to Nate's for Mexican food with the expats

Thursday - I taught English for 2 hours (well 1 hour, since the first person canceled on me). It went ok. But, I'm definitely wanting to work. I'm ready to work full time. This will determine how long I stay here. I want to stay in Buenos Aires. After my classes, I went to an art exhibition with Senora Marta. Met some nice people, and polo players. Marta kept pushing me to talk to them, hahaha. It was funny. I'm becoming very close to Marta, which is great. She's becoming my second family. Thursday night met up with a friend from Chicago (well, Colleen's friend). And then went over to Benjamin's for dinner and then out dancing. It was a late night once again, came back home at 5 am.

Friday - Slept in. Job searched. Stayed in most of the day. Then, went out to dinner with the friend from Chicago (Victor) and his friends. We went to a new area, somewhere in north Palermo. Afterwards, we went to a Salsa club. LOTS of Salsa dancing. It was an overdose of Salsa. Got in at 5 am AGAIN.

Saturday - I met my cousin Sofia and my aunt!!! They are both very nice. And it was amazing to think I have such close family here. And that Sofia's baba and my baba were sisters. I could see resemblances. They came over to my place and we had coffee/medialunas.
In the evening, I went to my first asado. It was about an hour away from the city. My friend Ernesto invited me, Amy, and Stephanie. There were about 20 people. The food was delicious, mostly meat. Basically, an asado is huge grill over a coal fire with all sorts of meat. Once the meet was down, I never saw people attach so fast. It was cool. The asado reminded me of the days on the farm with my family roasting a lamb on a spit. I wish we did more of this back home, now that I'm older. It's a great bonding experience with family and friends. We sat around the bonfire talking about everything and anything. And then the Karaoke began, it was great to watch and many laughs. I'm very glad I met this group of guys: Ernesto, Augustine, Jimmy, and Benjamin.
We stayed up until 5 am. Luckily, the house had many beds, so we crashed and woke up this morning to a house full of family and kids. Hahaha, they were all so nice. We through the rugby ball around, and then drove back to the city. I took a siesta of course.

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