Saturday, December 26, 2009


So, last week I went on an interview at MTV in Buenos Aires. Yes, I somehow found a job posting on craigslist for a MTV VJ. I sent an email with a few pics, and I had an interview scheduled. I was a little concerned, so I emailed a friend just to verify it was legit since something like this would never happen back home in the States.
I had to memorize a whole script (in English of course). I stayed up late and practiced the whole next day. There was a lot to remember, so I was nervous. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, but I thought why not. I knew it was going to be a cool experience, either way.
I walked into MTV and all these models were in the lobby. They were all locals from Buenos Aires, rehearsing there lines and butchering all the words. I thought I had this in the bag, but I didn't know how I was going to do in front of the camera.
They finally brought me to the back, and put some makeup on me. I was ready to go. I walked into the room, there was a whole set and 3 camera people. I started freaking out. This was for real! Ahhhh! They put a mic on me and asked to introduce myself. The guy was really nice, and I'm sure I was shaking. Then, they told me to rehearse my lines, I remembered ONLY 2 lines. I blew it. Then, the guy kept trying and asked me to talk about any music video. I choose Lady Gaga and the Jonas Brothers, don't ask. I was rushing and he kept asking me to go longer. I couldn't calm down and just talk normally. The screening was done. They told me they would contact people the following week, I wasn't expecting to hear from them.
I left MTV pissed, I could have totally nailed it if I was somewhat decent in front of the camera. Oh well, I guess TV is not for me : (
I'm still teaching English in the meantime, and looking for a full time job.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Last weekend I headed to Carilo, a small cute beach town about 4 hours away from the city. I was looking forward to getting out of BsAs. Lately, the city has been super loud and very fast paced. Carilo was the answer. A good friend invited me and we were off on the road to a piece of heaven.
On the drive, we stopped to get the most amazing Medialunas...Atalaya!! They were so delicious. Yum!
We arrived to Carilo and headed straight to the beach. There were barely any people on the beach, it was perfect. We drank Mate, chit-chatted, relaxed, and took everything in.
We ended up staying the night because we just didn't want to leave. In the evening, we explored the little downtown area. We decided on Italian for dinner. I had the most amazing dish, Sorrentinos (like ravioli) with chicken and mushrooms in a cream sauce. One of the best dishes by far! And of course the night ended with Freddo helado (ice cream)....Dulce de Leche and Tramontana.
The next day it was the beach again. It was chilly, so I was all covered up, but I still managed to burn : ()
Sitting on the beach and looking out at the water, I reminisced about my whole experience in Argentina. Sometimes, I stop and pinch myself. It's still surreal. I've been here for almost 3 months now. I've learned so much about this culture and most importantly myself. I am happy. I am appreciating every second. Even the low moments, when I think about my family and how much I miss them. I cherish them even more now! But, I'm not ready to leave Argentina quite yet....
On the way back from Carilo, we drove through Pinamar and stopped in La Plata. The church in La Plata is much bigger and more beautiful than the one in Lujan. La Plata is known as the city of "diagonals" because of the streets. I would never go by myself, who knows where I would end up : ) Thank you to my friend who took me on this amazing weekend trip ; )

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lujan with Yillabean

Before I came to Buenos Aires, I did a whole lot of research. My friends back home know I'm a huge planner. I found a blog 2 months before I arrived that I followed practically every day. It was about a girl picking up and moving to Buenos Aires. She did a great job writing about her every day experiences, teaching English, Argentine culture, men, food, etc. So, I recently read her blog and found out she was leaving Buenos Aires. I decided to send her an email and meet up with her. Normally, I wouldn't just email a stranger back home and meet up with them. But, in this situation, it happens all the time. You have to put yourself out there if you want to meet people.
So, we met up for lunch. She's a very sweet girl. I told her how much her blog helped me with information about moving to Buenos Aires. After lunch, we agreed to meet up again. This past Monday we went to Lujan, 1.5 hours away from Buenos Aires. It was a cute little town. The main feature was the Lujan Church. There's a huge symbol in Lujan, the Virgin. Her image is in the Church. Even though this country can be very macho at times, there are many women figures as important symbols.
On the way out, I bought a Lujan necklace. She is said to bring good luck (I need luck in finding a job here). I've been teaching English for the last month. It has been an enjoyable opportunity and I'm learning so much from my students. All of them are very nice, and today I met my first female student. However, it is difficult with the traveling and teaching. Even though I only taught 3 hours today, commuting to Microcenter and back to Recoleta can be tiring....especially when there are protests every day. Streets are blocked because of the protests, so traffic is horrible.
I have a good feeling a job will come my way very soon....:) POSITIVE THINKING

Meeting a Croata in Buenos Aires

So, I finally met a Croata. He doesn't speak Croata, but he sings in Croata. He's in a folklore band here. He's super nice. The Croatas in Argentina are mostly 2nd and 3rd Generation, whereas in the States there are many 1st Generation Croatas.
He's actually half Croata and half Lebanese. We spoke English of course, my Castellano is SLOWLY improving. He definitely looks Croata as well. It was nice to meet someone who comes from a similar background.

I'm hoping to visit a Croata church in the near future.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Sofi bought me this adorable Mate. A few more days and I can use it. There's water in it right now, and then old Mate Yerba needs to sit in it for 2 days. This is how a new Mate cup is broken in. The straw is called a bombilla. The Mate has leaves on it, and I LOVE LEAVES. A leaf symbolizes freedom and endless possibilities. You never know what can happen in this lifetime....